The Heart of Public Service
Ethics Training for Local Government Employees
Course Description:
The Heart of Public Service - Ethics Training for Local Government Employees is an ethics refresher for tenured public sector employees and an ethics overview for new employee orientation. The course features Cheryl Dunlop, Director of Administrative Services for the City of Rockwall, TX. The course: Defines ethics and the impact of that definition on ethical behavior, reviews the basic rules of public sector ethical conduct, reviews actions participants can take to promote an ethical work environment, and teaches participants how to utilize the HEART Ethical Decision Making Process (copyrighted). The course includes multiple attachments, including Unethical Behaviors Public Sector Employees Should Avoid.
The self-paced course content may be hard copy printed or stored and viewed electronically by user
The course contains multiple topic related attachments
In case of unanticipated interruption, participants may exit the course, then resume where they left off at a later time
The course contains multiple interactive slides designed to increase retention of material
The course contains a ten question quiz to test for comprehension of materials
Participants can print a certificate of completion (or multiple copies for HR, participant's supervisor, etc.) after successfully completing the course