Your organization will receive unlimited access to all CCC online offering. The general implementation design is as follows:
The City Manager will have his/her executive team view the online executive book briefing for a given city management competency in advance of a staff meeting. The briefing includes a reproducible participant guide.
After viewing the online presentation, each executive team member will bring the participant guide to staff meeting. The guide typically consists of four pages of key quotes from the book, a two page outline of the book, and a two page discussion guide, with three practical leadership questions for each leadership dimension (Relational, Operational, Systems and Strategic).
At the staff meeting, the City Manager will use the participant guide to lead a very practical discussion of the principles contained in the book briefing, and how those principles actually apply within the context of his/her organization. The discussion guide is designed to accomplish a meaningful, real world discussion as an approximately 30 minute adjunct to a regular staff meeting.
Each Executive Team member will repeat steps 1-3 with his or her mid-management leadership team.
Each Mid Manager will repeat steps 1-3 with First Line Supervisors.
First Line Supervisors will repeat steps 1-3 with front line employees.
The net result is that SGR’s CCC series creates a real world conversation about practical implementation of leading edge business thinking which cascades throughout of the organization, to ensure continuity of message, value system and organizational DNA.