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DiSC© Classic
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With 30 years of proven reliability and over 40 million users, Inscape’s DiSC® Classic
remains the most trusted learning instrument in the industry. It is used worldwide in
dozens of training and coaching applications, including organizational development
and performance improvement. Designed to complement and supplement existing
training programs, DiSC Classic can help improve communication, ease frustration
and conflict, and develop effective managers and teams.

Order DiSC® Classic

DiSC Dimensions of Behavior provide a nonjudgmental language for exploring
behavioral issues across four primary dimensions:


  • Dominance: Direct and Decisive. 
    D's are strong-willed, strong-minded people who like accepting challenges,
    taking action, and getting immediate results.

  • Influence: Optimistic and Outgoing. I's are "people people" who like
    participating on teams, sharing ideas, and energizing and entertaining

  • Steadiness: Sympathetic and Cooperative.
    S's are helpful people who like working behind the scenes, performing
    in consistent and predictable ways, and being good listeners.

  • Conscientiousness: Concerned and Correct.
    C's are sticklers for quality and like planning ahead, employing systematic
    approaches, and checking and re-checking for accuracy.

DiSC Classic can help employees at all levels:

  • Understand their own behavior
  • Learn how and when to adapt their behavior
  • Improve communication
  • Promote appreciation of differences
  • Enhance individual and team performance
  • Reduce conflict

DiSC Classic is proven to help customer service professionals:

  • Identify their customer's DiSC styles and adapt their 
    support styles accordingly
  • Stay focused on customer needs
  • Manage difficult customer service situations

DiSC® Classic Applications

Customer Service
Management Development


DiSC® Classic 1.0
Inscape’s flagship DiSC instrument, DiSC Classic 1.0 helps individuals improve communication and reduce conflict. It is available online through EPIC and as a 20-page paper-based instrument.

DiSC Classic 2.0
DiSC Classic 2.0 answers the growing demand for an online assessment with a personalized
narrative report. The new report adds an informal, conversational style that brings to life all the elements of the original instrument. Plus, you'll get an expanded narrative that brings the
much-used Intensity Index to life.

DiSC Classic 2 Plus
DiSC Classic 2.0 Plus includes the DiSC Classic 2.0 Online profile and can be customized to include any or all of six additional add-on modules.

DiSC Facilitator Report
The DiSC Facilitator Report lets you build customized group reports using data from DiSC Classic 1.0, DiSC Classic 2.0, and DiSC PPSS on EPIC. The report includes an illustration of the group's distribution of DiSC styles, the group's Classical Pattern distribution, and detailed information on how each individual's DiSC style may affect the DiSC culture within the group or organization.

DiSC Group Culture Report
The DiSC Group Culture Report helps you explore the DiSC style — or culture — of a group. Once you know the culture — its characteristics, advantages, and drawbacks — you’re better prepared to open meaningful discussions with group members. The DiSC Group Culture Report can be generated using data from DiSC Classic 1.0, DiSC Classic 2.0, and DiSC PPSS on EPIC. No respondent names are included, which assures anonymity and a safe jumping-off point for further exploration.

DiSC Team View Report
The DiSC Team View Report provides an at-a-glance comparison of learner profiles from
participants who have responded to a DiSC report on EPIC. It includes the individual's name,
DiSC Graph III display, and Classical Pattern name. Compare learner profiles by workgroup, by department, or in any combination you’d like!



